Feud's Five For Fighters: Jenna Whiteman

Feud's Five For Fighters: Jenna Whiteman

Jenna is an Australian Muay Thai fighter. 9 months ago she moved to Thailand to train and fight full time. She's currently ranked #16 in the WBC Featherweight division. Today we discuss how she went from being a teen not interested in sports to fighting on Super Champ in Bangkok. 

Can you tell us about your background and how you got started in Muay Thai?

I was actually really lazy growing up and never did any sports except P.E in school. I saw a poster one day in town of a gym advertising Muay Thai and I had no idea what it was so I decided to go try it out. I knew it wasn’t healthy to keep being lazy and wanted to change that, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. The gym itself was a bit how ya going but had everything you needed, let me tell you it was love at first kick. Eventually that gym closed down but I still had the desire to train so my friend took me up to Mad X Gym and I trained with Eli Madigan and where Paul Madigan took me under his wing. I had my first few fights for Mad X before moving to Thailand.
What has been your favourite fight to date?

My favorite fight was actually one of my recent fights with Praewa on Super Champ in Bangkok. She’s is one of the toughest opponents I’ve ever fought and she kicked like a horse, every shot she landed she made sure you felt. It was my first live fight on Thai TV and one of my most memorable moments.
Describe your fighting style in 3 words.
Kneeee, kneee, kneeeeeee
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to anyone thinking about starting Muay Thai?
You don’t have to get fit before starting Muay Thai, fitness will come naturally over time. Really take time to learn the techniques at the beginning, it’s easier to learn the correct technique first than having to correct it later on. Don’t be too hard on yourself just have fun.
What is your favourite post weigh in meal?
Hahaha I’ve actually only cut weight a handful of times and each time it’s been different. Most of it was just wanting to eat anything but a lot of it, but can’t go wrong with Pasta and potatoes
Follow Jenna @vodkanoj
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